- Law enforcement and public health: Tackling inequalities Helen Christmas and Justin Srivastava
- Public Health and Policing – the journey so far Dr Jaimee Wylam
Journal articles
- Conceptual divides and practice synergies in law enforcement and public health: some lessons from policing vulnerability in Australia: Isabelle Bartkowiak-Theron and Nicole Asquith
- Law enforcement and public health as an emerging field: Auke van Dijk and Nick Crofts
- Preventing Victimization: Public Health Approaches to Fight Crime: Nola Joyce and Sarah Schweig
- Public health approaches in policing: Helen Christmas and Justin Srivastava
This discussion paper explores what a “public health approach” means in the context of policing. It takes five key elements common to public health approaches and applies them to a policing context - Public health approaches in policing: Executive summary: Helen Christmas and Justin Srivastava
- Police & Harm Reduction: How law enforcement can advance public safety, public health and public confidence: Marc Krupanski
- Public health approach to early intervention: Stan Gilmore
- Law enforcement and public health: finding common ground and global solutions to disparities in health and access to criminal justice: Nick Crofts and Stuart Thomas
- Principles of public health approaches to policing: College of Policing
- Centre for Law Enforcement & Public Health (CLEPH)
- The Crime Reduction Toolkit summarises the best-available research evidence on what works to reduce crime (College of Policing)
- Global Law Enforcement & Public Health Association The Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association (GLEPHA) is a not for profit, membership-based association governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership and governed according to its own constitution. Recognising the recurrent failure of approaches devised within isolated individual sectors, GLEPHA sees it of prime importance to bring together practitioners, policymakers, and academics to explore the nature of the myriad interactions between the police and public health sectors across the widest range of social, humanitarian, security, and public health issues.
Journal articles
- "Epidemiological Criminology": Coming Full Circle: Timothy Akers and Mark Lanier
- a public health approach to…knife crime: Greg Fell
Editorial / commentary
- Can public health strategies tackle London’s rise in fatal violence?: Laura Cattermole et al
- Preventing violent crime: John Middleton and Jonathan Shepherd
Journal articles
- Young people, violence and knives - revisiting the evidence and policy discussions: Roger Grimshaw and Matt Ford
Newspaper articles
- Protecting people Promoting health: a public health approach to violence prevention for England: Mark Bellis et al
- A whole-system multi-agency approach to serious violence prevention (PHE)
- Public health approaches to reducing violence: Local Government Association
- The role of public health in the prevention of violence: UK Faculty of Public Health
- Knife crime A problem solving guide
- Cardiff Violence Prevention Group: Cardiff Community Safety Partnership
- Scottish Violence Reduction Unit: Police Scotland
- YEF Toolkit: An overview of existing research on approaches to preventing serious youth violence
- Lancashire Violence Reduction Network