Following a review of the Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement, RSPH is pleased to announce that an updated version of this qualification will be available from 1 January 2017.
Based on feedback from centres and subject matter experts, the update has been commissioned to maintain the validity of the qualification and ensure it continues to reflect the public health landscape, including changes to government policies and industry practice such as Making Every Contact Count (MECC). The new version has also been mapped to the updated Public Health Skills and Knowledge Framework (PHSKF).
It will be available for centres to deliver from 1 January 2017. Please see the detailed specification below for reference.

What are the changes?
The main change is to the indicative content which gives guidance on the range and depth of knowledge required to meet the standard. This now references latest government policies and new initiatives such as Making Every Contact Count (MECC). The new multiple choice exam papers will reflect this new content.
There has also been a very minor change assessment criteria 3.3 in order to clarify meaning:
- Current: 3.3 Give an example of a strategy for the promotion of health and wellbeing
- New: 3.3 Give an example of an approach to the promotion of health and wellbeing
Overall the Learning Outcomes remain the same.
What does this mean for centres?
The new specification will require centres to update their training and teaching materials to include the new content. The new multiple choice exam papers for the qualification will be available from 1 January 2017. Current MCQ exam papers are valid until 31 March 2017.
If you are already approved to run the current qualification, you will automatically be approved to offer the new version.
If you are not approved to run the qualification, the normal additional qualification process will apply.
When do these changes take effect?
The new specification will be publicly available on our website from November 2016. Candidates can be registered on the new qualification from 1 January 2017.
Transition period
Centres delivering the current syllabus can continue up to March 2017 and assess learners using existing exam papers until 31 March 2017. Successful candidates will receive certificates bearing the current qualification number.
From 1 April 2017, all learners will be assessed by new exam papers based on the new qualification. Successful candidates will receive certificates with the new qualification number.
Unused, ‘old’ exam papers
If centres have unused, 'old' exam papers after this date, they can return up to 10 papers to RSPH to receive a credit note for them.
Find out more
For more general information about the updated version of the Level 2 Award in Understanding Health Improvement or if you have a specific query, please complete our contact form.