Allied Health Profession Case Studies

Our Allied Health Professional case studies show how innovative programmes, service design, quality improvement and training can have a positive effect on the public's health and wellbeing. We are always open to hearing about and publishing public health initiative case studies.

If you would like to share a case study, abstract or publication, please see our case study template for further guidance. 

The email address to submit a case study has recently changed. Please submit any new case studies to [email protected].

Allied Health Profession Case Studies by Profession

Art Therapist


Arts therapy leadership activates creative resources which promote individual, team, and community growth in mental health settings

Contact: Nicki Power

Head of Arts Therapies for Bedfordshire & Luton

East London NHS Foundation Trust

[email protected]


The added value of art therapy practice within maternity and perinatal parent-infant mental health

Contact: Diane Bruce

Art Psychotherapist, North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

[email protected]

Art Psychotherapy in the community. Addressing health inequalities through Social Prescribing - an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach

Contact: Vivienne Gibbons

Art Psychotherapist
LS14 Trust

Nourishing the soul: Art therapy with EMDR for the treatment of PTSD and bulimia in an adult mental health service

Contact: Nili Sigal

Art Psychotherapist

NHS Devon Partnership Trust

Email: [email protected]

Virtual Cuppa

Susan Ellis, Art Psychotherapist, Envisage Arts CIC

Email: [email protected]


Developing a Foodtalk Game as a nutrition and health training tool for early years staff 

Contact: Melissa Little

Foodtalk CIC

Email: [email protected]

An Impact Evaluation Report on the ‘Healthy Little Eaters’ nutrition education cooking programme in Children’s Centres in Brent 

Contact: Mrs Farhat Hamid

Head of Nutrition & Dietetics Brent

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust

Dietitian-led intensive lifestyle intervention programme for children identified as overweight or obese by NCMP in the London Borough of Brent: an overview 

Contact: Mrs Farhat Hamid

Head of Nutrition & Dietetics Brent

London North West University Healthcare NHS Trust

Email: [email protected]

A Nutrition Education and Cooking Intervention in a UK Foodbank

Contact: Alexandra Harper

Coventry University

Email: [email protected]

Nutrition Skills for Life®(NSFL): Providing quality assured nutrition skills training for community workers and support for the development of community food and health initiatives 

Contact: Lisa Williams


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

[email protected]

Slow cooking for communities 

Contact Michelle Graham-Steele, Cook it! Dietitian & Co-ordinator

Jill Stewart, Cook it! Dietitian

Leona Hill, Cook it! Development Officer

Nutrition and Dietetics, Northern Health and Social Care Trust

[email protected]

Get Nourished: preventing, identifying and treating malnutrition in older people in Dundee

Author: Linda McGrath , Dietitian, Community Food Team, NHS Tayside

[email protected]

Applying a novel outcomes based public health model to co-design nutritional resources and information in Sickle Cell Disease

Contact: Dr Claudine Matthews

Consultant Dietitian (Health and Social Care)

Email: [email protected]

Drama Therapist


The Get Going Group: dramatherapy for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health

Contact: Jane Bourne


Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust & Chair of The British Association of Dramatherapists

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]


Multidisciplinary Team

Supporting the Development of Placements for Allied Health Professionals in Public Health Settings

Contact: Laura Charlesworth

Associate Professor – Allied Health Professions (Therapeutic Radiographer)

University of Lincoln

Email: [email protected]

Developing and diversifying routes into Allied Health Professions (AHP) in East London

Contact: Dr Matthew Almond

Allied Health Professional Training and Development

University of East London

Email: [email protected]

Music Therapist

What is the impact of a Neurologic Music Therapy service on an inpatient acute Stroke Unit?

Contact: Ellie Ruddock

Chiltern Music Therapy

Email: [email protected] 

Evaluating the Impact of Music Therapy for Children with Dementia 

Contact: Rebecca Atkinson

Director and Researcher

Chiltern Music Therapy 

Email: [email protected] 

Occupational Therapist

Sport for Confidence and Stay Connected: Creating an online physical activity service

Contact: Lyndsey Barrett and Liz Fletcher

Occupational Therapists

Sport for Confidence CIC

Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

Provision of Therapeutic Boxing for Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Contact: Jenny Bailey

Live Clinical Team Leader 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

[email protected]

Addressing occupational deprivation as a way to reduce health inequalities

Contact: Carol Duff

Occupational Therapist

University of Lincoln

Email: [email protected]

Occupational therapy leadership within the Fire Service to reduce fire risk and address health and wellbeing in vulnerable communities

Contact: Lauren Walker

Occupational Therapist

Royal College of Occupational Therapists (case study relates to a previous role with Healthy London Partnership)

An occupational therapy role emerging placement in public health and domestic abuse: Work within women’s refuge.

Cate Bennett Occupational Therapist Bsc Msc advanced practice.

Ava Woodhouse Pre-registration MSc occupational therapy student, University of Derby

Alicia Lancashire Pre-registration MSc occupational therapy student, University of Derby

Email [email protected]


Forgotten Feet – Helping Homeless Feet 

Contact: Deborah Monk


Forgotten Feet

[email protected]

Speech and Language Therapist

Support Worker

Physical activity engagement with ’easy to ignore’ communities

Contact: Margaret Clarke

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Rehabilitation assistant Band 4 (PT/OT)

Email: [email protected]

Addressing health inequalities in a Specialist Burns Unit

Contact: Katie Betteridge

Senior Therapy Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Maximizing the sight of young children to achieve their academic potential

Contact: Catherine Siemaszko

Orthoptist Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Using technology to passively reduce surface virus and bacteria levels

Contact: Joe Maslen

Radiotherapy Assistant

Email [email protected]

Allied Health Profession case studies by Theme

Health inequalities

Visit the health inequalities section of the hub here.

Help Kids Talk – a community-wide initiative that aims to give every child the best start in life by prioritising speech, language and communication development

Contact: Sarah Ratcliffe and Alison Ferris

Speech and Language Therapists

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

Email: [email protected]

Health Inequalities - Patients

Implementing a public-health style questionnaire into the Orthoptic case history: A prospective case report

Contact: Jessica Wood


Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

Orthoptic Public Health. Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Contact: Alysha Budd

Advanced Orthoptist

Warrington and Halton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Email: [email protected]

The added value of art therapy practice within maternity and perinatal parent-infant mental health

Contact: Diane Bruce

Art Psychotherapist

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

Email: [email protected]

Art therapy in a range of gallery-based arts interventions for the wellbeing of parents and infants

Contact: Vicky Armstrong

Art Therapist

University of Dundee and Dundee Contemporary Arts

Email: [email protected]

Health Inequalities - Clinical team, pathways and service groups

Provision of Therapeutic Boxing for Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Contact: Jenny Bailey

Live Clinical Team Leader 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

[email protected]

Annual Physiotherapy Review Project – Working to create an efficient, patient centered and cost-effective service to those with profound and multiple learning disabilities in the community 

Contact: Sally Roberts


Solent NHS Trust 

Email: [email protected] 

Health Inequalities - Communities and Networks

Sport for Confidence and Stay Connected: Creating an online physical activity service

Contact: Lyndsey Barrett and Liz Fletcher

Occupational Therapists

Sport for Confidence CIC

Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

The development of Chatting Time Series (including Changing time is Chatting Time and Anytime is Chatting Time) – a suite of resources that support parents to interact with their babies and young children throughout the day

Contact: Anne McKee, Speech and Language Therapist

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Email: [email protected]

Communication first: people experiencing street homelessness

Contact: Leigh Andrews

Speech and Language Therapist

Change Communication

Email: [email protected]

A Nutrition Education and Cooking Intervention in a UK Foodbank

Contact: Alexandra Harper

Coventry University

Email: [email protected]

Art Psychotherapy in the community. Addressing health inequalities through Social Prescribing - an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach

Contact: Vivienne Gibbons

Art Psychotherapist

LS14 Trust

Email: [email protected]

Forgotten Feet – Helping Homeless Feet 

Contact: Deborah Monk


Forgotten Feet

[email protected]

Nutrition Skills for Life®(NSFL): Providing quality assured nutrition skills training for community workers and support for the development of community food and health initiatives 

Contact: Lisa Williams


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

[email protected]

Slow cooking for communities 

Contact Michelle Graham-Steele, Cook it! Dietitian & Co-ordinator

Jill Stewart, Cook it! Dietitian

Leona Hill, Cook it! Development Officer

Nutrition and Dietetics, Northern Health and Social Care Trust

[email protected]

Health Inequalities - Systems

The Orthoptic visual processing difficulties (VPD) clinic during covid-19 lockdown. The affectivity of telephone consultation implementation rather than face to face visits

Contact: Kathryn Whitfield

Advanced Orthoptist

[email protected]

Arts therapy leadership activates creative resources which promote individual, team, and community growth in mental health settings

Contact: Nicki Power

Head of Arts Therapies for Bedfordshire & Luton

East London NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

Improving the quality of orthotics services in England 

Author: NHS England, 2015 

Occupational therapy leadership within the Fire Service to reduce fire risk and address health and wellbeing in vulnerable communities

Contact: Lauren Walker

Occupational Therapist

Royal College of Occupational Therapists (case study relates to a previous role with Healthy London Partnership)

Email: [email protected]

Health Inequalities - Nurturing the Future

Addressing occupational deprivation as a way to reduce health inequalities

Contact: Carol Duff

Occupational Therapist

University of Lincoln

Email: [email protected]

Supporting the Development of Placements for Allied Health Professionals in Public Health Settings

Contact: Laura Charlesworth

Associate Professor – Allied Health Professions (Therapeutic Radiographer)

University of Lincoln

Email: [email protected]

Developing and diversifying routes into Allied Health Professions (AHP) in East London

Contact: Dr Matthew Almond

Allied Health Professional Training and Development

University of East London

Email: [email protected]

An occupational therapy role emerging placement in public health and domestic abuse: Work within women’s refuge.

Cate Bennett Occupational Therapist Bsc Msc advanced practice.

Ava Woodhouse Pre-registration MSc occupational therapy student, University of Derby

Alicia Lancashire Pre-registration MSc occupational therapy student, University of Derby

Email [email protected]

Virtual Cuppa

Susan Ellis, Art Psychotherapist, Envisage Arts CIC

Email: [email protected]

Living with a Disability

Sport for Confidence and Stay Connected: Creating an online physical activity service

Contact: Lyndsey Barrett and Liz Fletcher

Occupational Therapists

Sport for Confidence CIC

Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

Evaluating the Impact of Music Therapy for Children with Dementia 

Contact: Rebecca Atkinson

Director and Researcher

Chiltern Music Therapy 

Email: [email protected] 

Annual Physiotherapy Review Project – Working to create an efficient, patient centered and cost-effective service to those with profound and multiple learning disabilities in the community 

Contact: Sally Roberts


Solent NHS Trust 

Email: [email protected] 

The Get Going Group: dramatherapy for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health

Contact: Jane Bourne


Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust & Chair of The British Association of Dramatherapists

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Implementing a public-health style questionnaire into the Orthoptic case history: A prospective case report

Contact: Jessica Wood


Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

Provision of Therapeutic Boxing for Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Contact: Jenny Bailey

Live Clinical Team Leader 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

[email protected]

Nourishing the soul: Art therapy with EMDR for the treatment of PTSD and bulimia in an adult mental health service

Contact: Nili Sigal

Art Psychotherapist

NHS Devon Partnership Trust

Email: [email protected]

Arts therapy leadership activates creative resources which promote individual, team, and community growth in mental health settings

Contact: Nicki Power

Head of Arts Therapies for Bedfordshire & Luton

East London NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

The added value of art therapy practice within maternity and perinatal parent-infant mental health

Contact: Diane Bruce

Art Psychotherapist

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

Email: [email protected]

Virtual Cuppa

Susan Ellis, Art Psychotherapist, Envisage Arts CIC

Email: [email protected]


Health Improvement

The evolution of the Orthoptists role in supporting patients with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Contact: Dawn Buchan

Advanced Orthoptic Practitioner

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde South Sector

Email: [email protected]

Implementing a public-health style questionnaire into the Orthoptic case history: A prospective case report

Contact: Jessica Wood


Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

The development of Chatting Time Series (including Changing time is Chatting Time and Anytime is Chatting Time) – a suite of resources that support parents to interact with their babies and young children throughout the day

Contact: Anne McKee, Speech and Language Therapist

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Email: [email protected]

The added value of art therapy practice within maternity and perinatal parent-infant mental health

Contact: Diane Bruce

Art Psychotherapist, North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

[email protected]

Provision of Therapeutic Boxing for Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit

Contact: Jenny Bailey

Live Clinical Team Leader 

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust 

[email protected]

Preceptorship Public Health Initiative: New Graduates

Contact: Rebecca Flynn

Harrogate District Hospital

Email: [email protected]

Clinical outcomes of patients referred to Speech & Language Therapy with Chronic Cough (CC)

Contact: Lydia Hart and Judith Anderson

[email protected] and  [email protected]

Developing a Foodtalk Game as a nutrition and health training tool for early years staff 

Contact: Melissa Little

Foodtalk CIC

Email: [email protected]

What is the impact of a Neurologic Music Therapy service on an inpatient acute Stroke Unit?

Contact: Ellie Ruddock

Chiltern Music Therapy

Email: [email protected] 

Art Psychotherapy in the community. Addressing health inequalities through Social Prescribing - an Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach

Contact: Vivienne Gibbons

Art Psychotherapist

LS14 Trust

Email: [email protected]

Evaluating the Impact of Music Therapy for Children with Dementia 

Contact: Rebecca Atkinson

Director and Researcher

Chiltern Music Therapy 

Email: [email protected] 

The Get Going Group: dramatherapy for people with learning disabilities and mental ill health

Contact: Jane Bourne


Cumbria, Northumberland Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust & Chair of The British Association of Dramatherapists

Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Nourishing the soul: Art therapy with EMDR for the treatment of PTSD and bulimia in an adult mental health service

Contact: Nili Sigal

Art Psychotherapist

NHS Devon Partnership Trust

Email: [email protected]

Nutrition Skills for Life®(NSFL): Providing quality assured nutrition skills training for community workers and support for the development of community food and health initiatives 

Contact: Lisa Williams


Cardiff and Vale University Health Board

[email protected]

Slow cooking for communities 

Contact Michelle Graham-Steele, Cook it! Dietitian & Co-ordinator

Jill Stewart, Cook it! Dietitian

Leona Hill, Cook it! Development Officer

Nutrition and Dietetics, Northern Health and Social Care Trust

[email protected]

Chat with Me’ book series: 3 books that support parents to share books and extend conversations with their 2-3 year olds in Sure Start Areas in Belfast

Author: Anne McKee, Speech & Language Therapist


Email: [email protected]

Get Nourished: preventing, identifying and treating malnutrition in older people in Dundee

Author: Linda McGrath , Dietitian, Community Food Team, NHS Tayside

[email protected]

Addressing health inequalities in a Specialist Burns Unit

Contact: Katie Betteridge

Senior Therapy Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Maximizing the sight of young children to achieve their academic potential

Contact: Catherine Siemaszko

Orthoptist Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Developing cancer prehabilitation and rehabilitation programmes to optimise physical and psychological health and reduce healthcare utilisation

Contact: Dave Archer

Macmillan Prehabilitation and Therapy Lead

Email: [email protected]

Applying a novel outcomes based public health model to co-design nutritional resources and information in Sickle Cell Disease

Contact: Dr Claudine Matthews

Consultant Dietitian (Health and Social Care)

Email: [email protected]

Population Healthcare

Help Kids Talk – a community-wide initiative that aims to give every child the best start in life by prioritising speech, language and communication development

Contact: Sarah Ratcliffe and Alison Ferris

Speech and Language Therapists

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

Email: [email protected]

Sport for Confidence and Stay Connected: Creating an online physical activity service

Contact: Lyndsey Barrett and Liz Fletcher

Occupational Therapists

Sport for Confidence CIC

Emails: [email protected] and [email protected]

Improving the quality of orthotics services in England 

Author: NHS England, 2015 

Dysphagia Friendly Care Homes: Improving the early identification and management of eating, drinking and swallowing disorders (dysphagia) in 12 North Derbyshire care homes

Contact: Helen Witts

Speech & Language Therapist

Walton Hospital

Email: [email protected]

Occupational therapy leadership within the Fire Service to reduce fire risk and address health and wellbeing in vulnerable communities

Contact: Lauren Walker

Occupational Therapist

Royal College of Occupational Therapists (case study relates to a previous role with Healthy London Partnership)

Email: [email protected]


Arts therapy leadership activates creative resources which promote individual, team, and community growth in mental health settings

Contact: Nicki Power

Head of Arts Therapies for Bedfordshire & Luton

East London NHS Foundation Trust

Email: [email protected]

The added value of art therapy practice within maternity and perinatal parent-infant mental health

Contact: Diane Bruce

Art Psychotherapist

North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)

Email: [email protected]

Get Nourished: preventing, identifying and treating malnutrition in older people in Dundee

Author: Linda McGrath , Dietitian, Community Food Team, NHS Tayside

[email protected]

Orthoptists role in optimising general health - an example of using Making Every Contact Count  (MECC) in practice

Contact: Javeria Butt


Email:  [email protected]

Wider determinants

Physical activity engagement with ’easy to ignore’ communities

Contact: Margaret Clarke

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Rehabilitation assistant Band 4 (PT/OT)

Email: [email protected]