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Alcohol calorie labelling

The public’s health is under threat from an obesity epidemic and harm caused by irresponsible consumption of alcohol.


Every year, 5,000 people with food allergies need hospital treatment for severe allergic reactions

Antibiotic resistance

Antibiotic resistance is a ‘major threat’ says the WHO, with over 25,000 dying annually from drug-resistant infections

Arts and health

This report gives an overview of the arts and health field, with particular reference to the UK and New Zealand.

Built environment


Reducing health inequalities and improving health outcomes is reliant upon effective and strategic commissioning

Commuter health 

Legal highs

We are calling for all political parties to commit to ban the import and sale of psychoactive substances in their election manifestos

Food labelling 

Activity equivalent labelling

Over two-thirds of adults in the UK are now overweight or obese and evidence suggests activity equivalent calorie labelling has the potential to help moderate calorie intake

Mental wellbeing

There is a growing recognition that good mental health underpins everything we do, how we think, feel, act and behave.


Childhood obesity

Obesity costs the NHS £4.2 billion a year and without urgent and radical action, this will rise to £10 billion a year by 2050

Older people's health 

Dementia awareness

Dementia affects over 800,000 people in the UK and this number is set to double by 2040

Sexual health

HPV vaccination

HPV is responsible for 5% of all cancers worldwide and rates of HPV-related cancers are increasing


Sleep plays a vital role in protecting our health and wellbeing


Smokefree Communities

In 2007, smoking in enclosed public spaces in the UK was banned. This landmark step has reduced smoking-related harm, but we can and must go further to help the UK kick the habit for good.


Allied Health Professionals

With over 4 million client contacts every week the AHP workforce of over 170,000 has huge potential to reach out at scale and support the public’s health.

Health Trainers

Since their introduction, almost 3,000 health trainers have supported more than half a million people to make positive lifestyle changes

Young people's health

Young Health Movement

The Young Health Movement is a peer driven approach to raising public health awareness among young people