Scroll Free September

This campaign was launched in July 2018. Please be aware that more current information may exist and that its positions may no longer reflect those of RSPH.


Scroll Free September offers a unique opportunity to take a break from ALL personal Social Media accounts for 30 days (or for however long you can cope without them)!

Why go #ScrollFreeSeptember?

With its almost universal reach and unprecedented ability to connect people from all walks of life, Social Media holds great potential to support good mental health and wellbeing. It has revolutionised the way we communicate and share information.

But have you ever thought about your relationship with Social Media? Maybe it’s starting to have a negative impact on your life? By going Scroll Free for a month, you’ll have a chance to reflect on your Social Media (mis-)use – what you missed, what you didn’t, and what you enjoyed instead.


Top tips

Taking back control of your use of social media may be difficult to begin with, so here are some useful tips to get you started and give you the best chance of staying Scroll Free this September


Support Scroll Free September with our free resources

Lesson plan

Sign up to receive the RSPH Scroll Free September lesson plan


7 in 10

young people have experienced cyber bullying

1 in 5 Young People

wake in the night

to check messages on Social Media

56% of young people

say they are likely to quit social media due to concerns about its mental health and wellbeing impact

How Do I Get Involved?

We are asking all Social Media users (not just young people!) to take a break from all of their personal accounts throughout September (work use and instant messaging apps are fine).

We know that going cold turkey on Social Media will be a challenge. So, before you start tweeting your excuses, don't worry, we have a few different options to make your participation (in September and beyond) that bit easier.

We have also developing a free, open-access e-Learning Programme, Looking After Your Self-ie: A Guide to Finding Your Balance On and Offline. The programme aims to re-introduce participants of Scroll Free September - and the wider public - to Social Media in a positive and meaningful way.