This course supports individuals to integrate purposeful mental health conversations into everyday conversations. Making Every Contact Count for Mental health is about routinely having short (no more than 3 minute) conversations about a person's mental health and wellbeing. Our aim is to support people in looking after their mental health and get help earlier if needed.


Aims of the Course

The module introduces the Making Every Contact Count (MECC) framework, and its use for having a conversation with someone about their mental health. It will also cover mental health models and signposting skills. On completion you will have awareness of:

  • What we mean by mental health, mental wellbeing and mental illness, including recognised definitions, models and frameworks
  • The MECC approach and explore how this can be applied in your setting.
  • How to have conversations with people about their mental health and wellbeing.
  • Skills to support individuals to understand distressing feelings and experiences.
  • Local and national support services
  • How to signpost people towards these support services

Who is the course aimed at?

The course is aimed at anybody interested in looking after their own mental health and supporting others. It is particularly useful for workplace health champions. No previous knowledge is required in order to obtain the content of this course.

What do our learners think?

Beverley Moorhouse, Dental Education Programme Manager at Health Education England (HEE), leads a mental health and resilience initiative for the dental workforce across the North-West England. Bev and her team have delivered MECC for Mental Health to health champions in 120 dental practices across the North West. Bev says:

“The RSPH MECC for Mental Health training fits really well with all of this work and it is great to be part of the first wave of train-the-trainer sessions. I found the sessions informative and thought provoking, and the training has given me the confidence to talk with others about mental health.

This programme will definitely have an impact on the dental workforce, as we have identified there is a huge need for mental health support for staff, their relatives, and patients. It will help staff to identify when support is needed and […] to make having conversations around mental health and wellbeing easier and help to lift the stigma of discussing mental health.”

Booking information

We deliver training on a cohort commission basis. If you would like to book this training in-house for a group of your colleagues, please contact us to discuss your requirements.