Breathe Eating Disorder Services
Managing eating disorders in communities is complex but at Breathe, their bespoke programme provides a resource where recovery coaches are contactable and can support clients on a daily basis.
YOURhealth aims to tackle a wide range of health inequalities across a rural, isolated and severely deprived area including transient and migrant populations addressing social, cultural, economic and environmental determinants of health. The locations include East Riding of Yorkshire, Hull ,North Yorkshire Districts of Scarborough and Ryedale totalling 3,300 SQ miles.

Salford Health Improvement Service and PDSA
Salford Health Improvement Service partnered with the leading veterinary charity, People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA), to increase uptake of NHS Health Checks in socioeconomically deprived communities in Manchester. Through a novel, One Health partnership, dog owners were successfully encouraged to take up an NHSHC while their dog was receiving a free PDSA health check.