Can you tell us about what you are studying and why? 

Public Health Practitioner apprenticeship to strengthen my understanding of public health, better my knowledge and skills to use in practice within my role. To support promotion and progression within my careers and support colleagues with my knowledge to strengthen the teams work 

What are your plans after your graduate? 

Look at progressing onto a Masters Course 

Can you give us an overview of what you think your career path into public health will look like, and what support could help you along this journey? 

Hopefully to progress into a Public Health lead and possible journey on the register training programme. I believe more support and knowledge shared. More opportunity to CPD training and career paths. Streamlining public health roles where possible would help progression and movement within areas 

Why is a career in public health important to you? 

To help the population, an interesting, dynamic and different job role which support a population/person approach. Looking at the holistic approach and creating positive behaviour changes. 

What are the biggest challenges you are facing with your career journey? 

Opportunities to progress 

What area(s) of public health are you the most passionate about? 

Mental Health, Suicide Prevention, Neurodiversity and Localities.  

What do you think the next 10 years looks like for public health? 

Big changes, diversifying and modernising, utilising a more digital/ modern marketing approach, adopting more behaviour change approach and being more inclusive, development for more Neurodivergent people which fits the general population better while always involving people of lived experience and supporting them better.