Event details

Do you want to help parents make their homes safer to prevent child injuries? Join our interactive webinar to find out how the evidence-based Stay One Step Ahead (SOSA) home safety programme did this in areas of high health, social and educational need and how SOSA can help other localities/services improve home safety in their area. The webinar will also launch a toolkit to help commissioners and service providers implement SOSA which will be made available to attendees. 

The webinar is a collaboration between the University of Nottingham, Nottingham’s Small Steps Big Changes Programme and the Child Accident Prevention Trust. It will describe SOSA and the context in which it was delivered, findings from a rigorous evaluation, parent’s experiences, how SOSA can be implemented elsewhere and support available to help implement SOSA. The webinar is aimed at commissioners and managers of child health and early years services, public health teams, child health and early years practitioners and third sector or other organisations with a role in child health, family support or home safety. We hope you can join us for an exciting and stimulating event and find out more about how SOSA can help keep children safe at home.

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