RSPH is proud to annouce the appointment of our next Chair of Council, Professor Nick Harding OBE.
Professor Harding has been an RSPH Council member since 2023. He is currently Chief Medical Officer for Operose Health and a practising General Practitioner (family physician) with 30 years of clinical experience. He has had a unique and award-winning career both as commissioner and provider of healthcare for diverse populations.
Previously, he was the Chair of Sandwell and West Birmingham Clinical Commissioning Group since 2011. He also held several roles, including working on secondment as Senior Clinical Advisor for the NHS England Accountable Care Systems’ Primary Care Development Programme and for Right Care. Between 2014 and 2018 Nick chaired the National Specialised Commissioning Place Based Oversight Group. He helped set up Aston Medical School where he is an honorary professor.
The Chair of Council is the most senior member of our Council of Trustees and has a three-year term. He will succeed the current Chair, Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard, who has been in the position since 2022 and whose term as Chair of Council finishes at the AGM in September.
Commenting on the announcement, Professor Nick Harding OBE, said:
“Being appointed Chair of Council is a huge privilege. As a member of the Council, I have seen firsthand all the vital work the charity does across a vast range of settings.
The work we do to build health has never been more important. Inequalities continue to widen, life expectancies are stalling, and many other key health indicators are moving in the wrong direction. This isn’t inevitable. To help build a healthier future we will need to be ambitious and bold in the years ahead.
We have a long and proud history of helping to transform the nation’s health for the better. I really look forward to playing my part in ensuring that legacy continues well into the future.
Commenting on the appointment, William Roberts FRSPH, Chief Executive, said:
“Professor Harding’s appointment as Chair of Council comes at an absolutely critical time for the organisation and for the public health system.
Having worked with him for several years, I know that he is going to bring a wealth of relevant experience, knowledge and leadership to the position. We also know that he is firmly committed to realising our goal of helping all people lead healthier and more equal lives for longer.
We would like to extend an immense show of thanks to our outgoing Chair, Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard. Under his stewardship, he has helped to navigate us through a global pandemic and his leadership has brought stability to the organisation, putting us on a much firmer footing for the crucial years to come.
Dr Jonathan Pearson-Stuttard commented:
“It has been a tremendous honour to serve as the Chair of an organisation that has such a rich history of improving the public’s health. The organisation has delivered nearly 100,000 qualifications and around 30,000 educational courses over the past three years alongside a financial operating surplus each year. This is testament to the hard work and commitment of the RSPH staff and the Council of Trustees. It means RSPH is well-placed to have a positive impact on the health and prosperity of the public and communities over the coming years.
“The landscape in which we operate has shifted greatly since my term as Chair began, but RSPH’s work across public health matters now more than ever. I have no doubt that under Nick’s Chairship, RSPH will step up to the challenge in the coming years, and I look forward to continuing to play my part in helping RSPH go from strength to strength.”