- 19 February 2025
The Wales Community response map tool maps information on vulnerability (including data on circulating Covid-19 cases and the number of people at higher risk) and levels of citizens-led community support (identified through social media sources, self-organising communities and third sector organisations) across Wales.
The project has been led by the Research and Evaluation Division at Public Health Wales, in collaboration with the MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol and the Alan Turing Institute.
The map has been designed to identify areas in Wales where there may be gaps in terms of support provision; e.g. where there are more people who may be more vulnerable to Covid-19, and where there is potentially less community support.
Whilst the map does not capture all community support, nor does it imply that all vulnerable groups are in need of support, it can help inform the public, community groups and public sector on which areas might benefit from extra support. It also provides the links to local community groups identified helping to raise awareness of the support available locally.
You can view the website for the Community Response Map.