(Please note: your post-dinner walk may be slightly longer once you've read this!)

In the run-up to Christmas, figures released by RSPH reveal how long it could take to work off some of our favourite Christmas treats.

A typical Christmas dinner with all the trimmings could take as much as a four and a half hour walk, giving you all the more motivation to get up off the sofa and partake in the great British tradition of the post-Christmas dinner walk.

With the average Brit consuming around 6,000 calories on Christmas day alone – nearly three times the recommended daily intake for women and more than twice the recommended amount for men – it’s worth looking out for opportunities to limit the damage to our waistlines, and our health.

Those with a sense of balance could do worse than indulging in a spot of ice skating, with one mince pie typically taking 37 minutes to work off out on the rink.

The figures also show that:

  • A large glass of mulled wine is equivalent to a 44 minute walk
  • A slice of yule log with cream could take you half an hour to run off
  • Boxing Day’s turkey and stuffing sandwich could be offset by an hour and a half of ice skating
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Shirley Cramer CBE, Chief Executive of RSPH, said: “The festive season is a time for many of us to take a well-deserved break and enjoy good food and good company, so it’s only natural that we treat ourselves over the holidays.

"Our activity breakdown is a good-humoured seasonal reminder of how all those extra calories do add up, so trying not to over-indulge too much and keeping active over the holidays might help a little when it comes to avoiding a nasty shock on the scales and a lot of hard work in the New Year!”