- 07 March 2025

RSPH and Health Education England (HEE) North West are calling for expressions of interest from primary and community care organisations across the North West to nominate individuals who can become Lead Trainers and Trainers for our Making Every Contact Count (MECC) for Mental Health training programme. Statutory or Third sector organisations delivering or supporting NHS commissioned services, are also invited to apply.
This work aims to upskill front line primary and community care staff by supplying high quality and evidence based mental health promotion training that develops knowledge, skills, and confidence to integrate relevant mental health and wellbeing messages and interventions into routine practice.
Examples of primary and community care settings/services, include but are not limited to:
- Social prescribing and similar (e.g. services that connect people with local health services)
- GP surgeries
- Primary care services based at hospitals such as GUM clinics
- Community Pharmacy
- Health and social care
- District nursing
- Falls services
- Health visiting
- School nursing
- Allied Health Services
- Emergency services such as ambulance and fire services.
The training programme
Embedding the MECC approach and promoting mental health and wellbeing are current national priorities for the health system. To support this project, RSPH and HEE with the aid of a multidisciplinary expert group, have developed and tested with over 1000 staff across the North, a blended learning training programme that can be implemented by beneficiary organisations.
The independent evaluation of the training found statistically significant increases in participants’ capability, opportunity, and motivation to have conversations with people about their mental health, and to refer people for further support. The follow-up stage of the evaluation also found a statistically significant increase in the number of conversations about mental health and wellbeing which participants were having, compared with before the training.
The end-user training has been designed to be delivered virtually or in a classroom setting and the content is organised in three modules:
- Module One: Introduction to MECC for Mental Health
- Module Two: Knowledge and Skills – having a MECC for Mental Health Conversation
- Module Three: Signposting and Pathways
Download the full training content
Lead Trainers and Trainers are upskilled to deliver this content through a 2-day session, RSPH will then provide them a full set of training materials, including a slide deck with Tutor notes, a 30-minute online learning per module and the learner workbook. In addition, RSPH will provide ongoing guidance and logistical support for the delivery of at least one training session for Trainers who require support.
The recommended delivery of the content is either: one full day session of 7 guided learning hours or three sessions of three guided learning hours each. However, the content can be condensed and delivered in shorter sessions depending on the trainees' needs, we have guidance and materials in place (including e-learning) to support this process.
Furthermore, the programme has an optional complementary module on the menopause which can be accessed and delivered by any MECC for Mental Health Trainer or Lead Trainer.
Training adaptations and pilots
Making Every Contact Count (MECC) for Mental Health for Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs) and Educators
The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and Health Education England (HEE) North West have adapted the MECC for Mental Health programme for Practice Education Facilitators (PEFs), to specifically fit the context of staff supporting healthcare students and newly qualified registrants in health care settings. This programme is suitable for all staff, particularly educators, who have a key role in supporting students in clinical practice. This programme will enable Educators to offer enhanced pastoral support to students and new registrants, supporting improving attrition and reducing retention agendas.
The MECC for MH for PEFs programme aims to emphasise the importance of:
• Showing students that they are valued.
• Promoting health and wellbeing specifically amongst students.
• Understanding and facilitating the unique pressures and anxieties that students face.
• Actively seeking out students and newly qualified registrants to supportively check in with them.
• Easing transition from student to newly qualified registrant.
A further strand to this project is the planned roll out of MECC for Mental Health for PEFs training to healthcare students in universities. It is anticipated that this training will provide students with enhanced communication skills for use with patients, as well as promoting the key message of reciprocal support, care and compassion amongst students and practice colleagues.
A project evaluation of this pilot will be completed in Cheshire and Merseyside by Edge Hill University.
To discuss this pilot further please contact NW Nursing [email protected].
Benefits to organisations
This is an opportunity for organisations to demonstrate leadership in mental health promotion as an integral part of their person-centred care approach and in support of workplace health.
Lead Trainers and Trainers will be upskilled to deliver MECC for Mental Health through a supportive and robust process which includes a Train the Trainer session, peer learning, central support and opportunities for additional professional development. As such, organisations hosting Lead Trainers and Trainers will build their internal capacity for mental health promotion in a systematic and sustainable way.
Furthermore, to recognise and facilitate their support, we will provide organisations with a training grant (£1000 for Lead Trainers and £200 for Trainers) towards covering the time their nominees will spend supporting the project.
Benefits to trainers and lead trainers
Their involvement is an opportunity for professional development and peer learning through:
- RSPH Membership: one year of membership at Associate grade for Trainers, and Member grade for Lead Trainers.
- Ongoing subject-related professional development opportunities including webinars and refresher sessions.
- Accredited training and access to training support materials
- Access to a trainer hub which will support interaction and peer-learning of the regional network of MECC for mental health trainers.
Requirements for lead trainers
Each Lead trainer must commit to an equivalent of 8.5 days over a period of approximately 6 months (September 2022 to February 2023), to undertake or participate in the following activities:
1. Attend the MECC for MH train the trainer (TtT) session (approximately 2.5 days equivalent divided in two sessions of online learning, plus some preparation work before and in between sessions).
(a) Please note that this will take place on 12th and 13th October 2022, please tentatively book these dates in your diary.
2. Register as MECC for MH Lead Trainer (involves email exchange and attendance to a 1-hour workshop laying out the expectations of the project such as quality assurance and evaluation requirements, targets and timescales).
3. Support the ongoing development of the TtT programme through feedback and evaluation and quality assurance activities (approximately 1 day involving communication with trainees, attending interviews as requested by the evaluation partner, observing a proportion of their trainees’ sessions).
4. Delivery of a TtT session to 7 local Trainers by end of November 2022 (2 days equivalent)
5. Support the recruitment of trainees (approximately 2 hours).
6. Delivery of 1:1 sessions with each of their trainees (up to 2 days involving one-hour sessions with each trainee and some email exchange).
Please note that this is a guide and whilst the time requirements are not likely to change much, the tasks may be modified according to locality’s/trainees needs.
Selection criteria for lead trainers
- All Lead Trainers must have:
- Excellent training delivery skills or equivalent (for example, teaching adults)
- Experience in delivering Train the Trainer programmes
- Excellent communication skills
- Good understanding of health behaviour change models and practices
- Good understanding of mental health promotion
- Good understanding of person-centred approaches
- Good understanding of the MECC approach
- An interest in delivering this training beyond the project.
Furthermore, Lead Trainers organisation’s organisations must be delivering or supporting primary and/or community care services in the North West region. It is also desirable that Lead Trainers have completed a MECC training programme.
To nominate a Lead Trainer, the organisation must provide an email/letter of support to the individual and ask him/her to complete the attached form by 23rd September 2022.
Requirements for Trainers
Each Trainer must commit to an equivalent of 4 days over a period of approximately 6 months:
2) Undertake the MECC for MH train the trainer session (approximately 2.5 days equivalent divided in two sessions of blended learning and some preparation work before and in between sessions).
(a) Please note in your diary that this will take place in either the weeks beginning 7rd or 14th November.
3) Register MECC for MH Trainer (involves email exchange and attendance to a 1 hour workshop to lay out the expectations of the project such as quality assurance and evaluation requirements, targets and timescales).
4) Organise and deliver training for 12-15 individuals working in primary and/or community care services, please refer to the list in page one for examples of these services. Delivery must be by end of February 2023.
5) Support the development of the training programme by providing feedback and evaluation (up to 1 hour).
6) Attend a 1:1 session with their Lead Trainer (up to 1 hour long).
7) Attend at least one refresher sessions (there will be 3 sessions of up to one hour long).
Please note that this is a guide and whilst the time requirements are not likely to change much, the tasks may be modified according to locality’s/trainees needs.
Selection Criteria for trainers
All Trainers must have:
- Experience in delivering training to adults or equivalent (e.g. group facilitation or teaching experience)
- Excellent communication skills
- Interest in mental health promotion.
It is also desirable but not essential that Trainers have:
- Completed a MECC training programme e.g. HEE’s e-learning
- Good understanding of the MECC approach
- Good understanding of mental health promotion
- Good understanding of health behaviour change models and practices
- Good understanding of person-centred approaches.
Furthermore, Trainers’ organisations must be delivering or supporting primary and/or community care services within a North West Integrated Care System area.
How to nominate a trainer?
Key to the delivery of high-quality MECC for mental health training is the commitment and support from the employing organisation who would also champion this initiative. Lead Trainers and Trainers will only be selected if there is an explicit support from the senior and/or clinical management.
To nominate a Trainer, the organisation must provide an email/letter of support to the individual and ask him/her to complete the application form annexed to this document.
Application forms need to be submitted by COP 23rd September for Lead Trainers and 28th October for Trainers (previously 9th September) but please note that places will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis providing applications meet all the requirements.
We welcome you to get in touch if you miss the deadline as we are holding a waiting list.
Contact Us
For further information please contact the Project Manager at RSPH, Nelly Araujo on [email protected]